
Sources of further information about the Learning Record model of assessment and its theoretical and methodological foundations.

  1. Allen, B. M. (1998). Deaf Children and the Families' Perspectives. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, San Diego State & Claremont Graduate University, San Diego & Claremont, CA. 

  2. Arntson, D. (1994). Reflective Reading: Self-Regulating Strategies for Emergent Readers. Unpublished M. A. Thesis, University of California at San Diego.

  3. Assessment, N. F. o. (1995). Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems.Cambridge, MA: National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest).

  4. Badger, E. (1995). The role of expectations and fairness in state wide assessment programs: Lessons from Massachusetts. In M. T. Nettles & A. L. Nettles (Eds.), Equity and Excellence in Educational Testing and Assessment, . Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  5. Ball, A. F. (1993). Incorporating Ethnographic-Based Techniques to Enhance Assessments of Culturally Diverse Students' Written Exposition. Educational Assessment, 1(3, Summer), 255-281.

  6. Barnes, D., Britton, J., & Torbe, M. (1987). Language, the Learner and the School. (3rd ed.). Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books. 

  7. Barr, M. A. (1992). The view from California. Language Matters, a periodical published by the Centre for Language in Primary Education, London: English for Ages 5-16, 3, 28-29. 

  8. Barr, M. A. (1995a). California Learning Record: A Handbook for Teachers, Grades 6-12. San Diego, CA: University of California at San Diego Bookstore.

  9. Barr, M. A. (1995b). Who's Going to Interpret Performance Standards? A Case for Teacher Judgment. In P. H. Dreyer (Ed.), The Claremont Reading Conference 59th Yearbook, Claremont, CA: Institute for Developmental Studies of The Claremont Graduate School.

  10. Barr, M. A. (1995c, ). The California Learning Record system of assessment link classroom and board room. California Curriculum News Report, 20, 5. 

  11. Barr, M. A. (1995d). Collecting data, telling stories: teacher contributions to classroom-based assessment. Executive Summary of California Education, 3(2), 26-30. 

  12. Barr, M. A. (1997). Linking learning and assessment. Thrust for Educational Leadership (February/March), 4-7. 

  13. Barr, M. A. (2000). Looking at the Learning Record. Educational Leadership, February, 20-24. 

  14. Barr, M. A. , & Cheong, J. (1995). Achieving equity: Counting on the Classroom. In M. T. Nettles & A. L. Nettles (Eds.), Equity and Excellence in Educational Testing and Assessment, (pp. 161-184). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  15. Barr, M. A., & Cooper, W. (Eds.). (1996). The PLR/CLR in Use. El Cajon,CA: Center for Language in Learning. 

  16. Barr, M. A., & Hallam, P. J. (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000). Connecting Classroom and Large Scale Assessment (Preliminary findings, LR moderations 5). El Cajon, CA: Center for Language in Learning. 

  17. Barr, M. A., & Hallam, P. J. (1996). Teacher parity in assessment with the California Learning Record. In R. A. Calfee & S. W. Freedman (Eds.), Writing Portfolios in the Classroom: Policy and Practice, Promise and Peril. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

  18. Barr, M. A. , & Syverson, M. A. (1994). California Learning Record: A Handbook for Teachers, K-6. San Diego, CA: Center for Language in Learning.

  19. Barrs, Myra. "The Assessment of Creative Learning." Creative LearningLondon: Arts Council England, 2008. 73-87.

  20. Barrs, Myra. "The Creative Community of Pistoia." Teaching Thinking. 8:1.22 (2007): 18-27.

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  23. Barrs, M., & Thomas, A. (Eds.). (1991). The Reading Book. London: Centre for Language in Primary Education.

  24. Barrs, M., Ellis, S., Hester, H., & Thomas, A. (1988). Patterns of Learning: The Primary Language Record and the national curriculum. London: Centre for Language in Primary Education, Webber Row, London SE1 8QW.

  25. Barrs, M., Ellis, S., Hester, H., & Thomas, A. (1989). The Primary Language Record: Handbook for Teachers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

  26. Britton J. (1992) Language and Learning (2nd. ed.). Portsmouth, N.H.: Boynton/Cook, Heinemann Publishers. 

  27. Bruner, Jerome. Acts of Meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. 

  28. Calfee, Robert. "Authentic Assessment of Reading and Writing in the Elementary Classroom." Elementary School Literacy: Critical Issues. Ed. Mariam Jean Dreher and Wayne H. Slater. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon, 1992. 211-226.

  29. Campbell, L., and Campbell, B. (1999). Multiple Intelligences and Student Achievement: Success Stories from Six Schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 63-64, 75-89. 

  30. Claggett, F. (1996). A Measure of Success: From Assignment to Assessment in English Language Arts. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann Publishers.

  31. Cole, Michael, et al. The Cultural Context of Learning and Thinking: An Exploration in Experimental Anthropology. New York: Basic Books, 1971. 

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  33. Cushman, K. (1996, November). The Primary Language Record & the California Learning Record. Horace: A publication of the Coalition of Essential Schools, 13, 5-6. 

  34. Darling-Hammond, L., Einbender, L., Frelow, F., & Ley-King, J. (1993). Authentic Assessment in Practice: A Collection of Portfolios, Performance Tasks, Exhibitions, and Documentation. New York City: National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching (NCREST): Teachers College, Columbia University. 

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  36. Darling-Hammond, L. (1995). Equity issues in performance-based assessment. In M. T. Nettles & A. L. Nettles (Eds.), Equity and Excellence in Educational Testing and Assessment, (pp. 89-114). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  37. DeLawter, Jayne, and Carol Hendsch. "California Learning Record: Observations and Samples of Learning." Whole Language Catalog: Supplement on Authentic Assessment. Ed. Kenneth S. Goodman, Lois Bridges Bird and Yetta M. Goodman. Santa Rosa, CA: American School Publishers, 1992. 

  38. Dias, P. (1998). Speaking Their Minds: A Learning Record Report (Occasional Paper, No. 2). El Cajon, CA: Center for Language in Learning. 

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  40. Falk, B., & Darling-Hammond, L. (1993). The Primary Language Record at P.S. 261: How Assessment Transforms Teaching and Learning : National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching: Teachers College, Columbia University.

  41. Falk, B., MacMurdy, S., & Darling-Hammond, L. (1995). Taking a Different Look: How the Primary Language Record Supports Teaching for Diverse Learners. New York: National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST),.

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